

PlayToEarn(玩赚链游)是一种新型的游戏玩法,允许玩家通过游戏赚钱。这种玩法通常涉及到区块链技术、加密货币、NFT(非同质化代币)等数字资产,为玩家提供了全新的游戏体验。 交易所:https://www.cnouyi.careers/join/45147655 数字货币信用卡:https://depay.depay.one/web-app/register-h5?invitCode=681330&lang=zh-cn

x-ui supports multi-protocol and multi-user xray panel.

Function Introduction#

System Status Monitoring
Supports multiple users and protocols, with web-based visualization
Supported protocols: vmess, vless, trojan, shadowsocks, dokodemo-door, socks, http
Supports configuring more transmission settings
Traffic statistics, traffic limitation, expiration time limitation
Customizable xray configuration template
Supports accessing the panel via HTTPS (with self-owned domain + SSL certificate)
Supports one-click SSL certificate application and automatic renewal
More advanced configuration options, see the panel for details

Installation & Upgrade#

The entire installation process only requires one line of code

bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vaxilu/x-ui/master/install.sh)

Creating a New Available Node#

Next, we can use X-UI to create a node for bypassing the Great Firewall





By now, you have obtained your own bypassing the Great Firewall node.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.