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Windows VPN tool v2rayN tutorial and quick start guide

v2rayN is a proxy software client for Windows systems, with powerful features and support for multiple proxy protocols such as VMess, VLESS, Trojan, Socks, Shadowsocks, etc. With the skills learned from this quick start guide on the latest v2rayN usage in 2023, you can quickly and conveniently configure proxy protocols for proxy access.

Download link: https://github.com/2dust/v2rayN/releases/tag/6.21

Interface preview:

Installation tutorial:
After downloading, find a suitable directory, preferably not on the system disk, unzip the compressed package, and the directory after extraction will be shown in the figure below.

Right-click and run v2rayN.exe as an administrator to start using it. After the program starts, it will minimize to the tray in the lower right corner of the taskbar. Double-click the blue V icon to open the software's main interface.

Icon explanation:
The icon color of the software is different in different states, as shown in the table below.

IconSoftware StateExplanation
V2rayN-3.pngClear system proxyClear the Windows system (IE) proxy every time the service is started/restarted.
V2rayN-4.pngAutomatically configure system proxySet the Windows system (IE) proxy every time the service is started/restarted.
V2rayN-5.pngDo not change system proxyDo nothing every time the service is started/restarted. The purpose is to retain the proxy set by other software.


Free Nodes
Since the software supports proxy protocols such as VMess, VLESS, Trojan, Socks, Shadowsocks, etc., you can use a search engine to find free nodes.

Paid Nodes
If there are few free node resources or if you find them unstable, you can consider purchasing paid nodes. We recommend the official Just My Socks from Bandwagonhost, which supports Shadowsocks and V2Ray protocols, and offers multiple data centers and packages to choose from.

Building Your Own Node
If you have high stability requirements and a certain technical foundation, it is recommended to build your own node. This ensures speed and the highest level of security. You can refer to the links below for specific setup tutorials.

  • V2Ray Setup (VMess)
  • Xray Setup (VLESS)
  • Trojan Setup
  • Shadowsocks Setup (SS)

Adding Servers:
After obtaining the node server information, you can start adding servers. Click on the "Servers" tab on the software's main interface and add different node servers according to the different nodes.

Subscription Settings Tutorial:
Some proxy services often provide a subscription address, which can be used to import node information through subscription. Click on the "Subscription" tab on the software's main interface, go to "Subscription Settings," paste the subscription address in the URL section, click "Add," and then click "OK."
After adding, click on the "Subscription" tab on the software's main interface, and click "Update Subscription" to successfully add node information through the subscription address.

Clipboard Import Tutorial:
First, copy the connection address of the node server. The addresses for different protocols are as follows:

  • VMESS server (v2Ray node address): vmess://
  • VLESS server (Xray node address): vless://
  • Shadowsocks server node address: ss://
  • Socks server node address: socks5://
  • Trojan server node address: trojan://

Right-click the mouse or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C to copy the node address. Be sure to copy it completely.
Then click on the "Servers" tab on the software's main interface, select "Import from Clipboard (Batch URL)," and import the node information as shown in the image above.

Scan Screen QR Code Tutorial:
First, open the QR code image of the server node, then open the software, click on the "Servers" tab on the software's main interface, select "Scan QR Code on Screen," and import the node information as shown in the image below.

Configuring V2Ray Nodes:
Click on the "Servers" tab on the software's main interface, select "Add [VMess] Server," as shown in the image below.
Enter the V2Ray node information in the add window to configure the V2Ray server information, then click "OK" to save, as shown in the image below.

Configuring Xray Nodes:
Click on the "Servers" tab on the software's main interface, select "Add [VLESS] Server," as shown in the image below.
Enter the Xray node information in the add window to configure the Xray server information, then click "OK" to save, as shown in the image below.

Configuring Shadowsocks Nodes:
Click on the "Servers" tab on the software's main interface, select "Add [Shadowsocks] Server," as shown in the image below.
Enter the Shadowsocks node information in the add window to configure the Shadowsocks server information, then click "OK" to save, as shown in the image below.

Configuring Socks Nodes:
Click on the "Servers" tab on the software's main interface, select "Add [Socks] Server," as shown in the image below.
Enter the Socks node information in the add window to configure the Socks server information, then click "OK" to save, as shown in the image below.

Configuring Trojan Nodes:
Click on the "Servers" tab on the software's main interface, select "Add [Trojan] Server," as shown in the image below.
Enter the Trojan node information in the add window to configure the Trojan server information, then click "OK" to save, as shown in the image below.

Usage Tutorial:
After adding the node information, enable system proxy and select the routing mode to start using the proxy server for internet access, as described in the following sections on system proxy and routing mode.

System Proxy
After configuring the server (node) according to the configuration tutorial above, you need to set up the system proxy to enable the browser to support the scientific internet access function. In the system tray in the lower right corner of the taskbar, find the software's icon, right-click on the icon, find "System Proxy," and click "Auto Configure System Proxy." At this point, the software's icon will turn red, and you can start using it. Try opening Google to see if you can access it.
v2rayN auto configures system proxy

Routing Mode
The routing function sends inbound data through different outbound connections according to demand, in order to achieve on-demand proxying. The common usage of this function is to split domestic and foreign traffic, which can be determined by internal mechanisms, and then send them to different outbound proxies. There are three routing modes to choose from.

  • Whitelist mode: Only websites on the whitelist are accessed through the node server proxy.
  • Blacklist mode: Except for websites on the blacklist, all other websites are accessed through the node server proxy.
  • Global mode: All websites are accessed through the node server proxy.

Choose the appropriate routing mode according to your needs, generally selecting whitelist mode.
v2rayN routing mode

Automatic Startup:
In the "Settings" tab on the software's main interface, click on "Parameter Settings" to enter the parameter settings page, select the v2rayN settings tab, check the "Start on Boot" checkbox, and then click "OK," as shown in the image below.

Update Tutorial:
You can automatically update the software, v2fly-Core, Xray-Core, and Geo files online by clicking on "Check for Updates" on the software's main interface, as shown in the image below.

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